Paragon Drive Copy for MacOS X v8.0 英文正式版(磁碟備份工具軟體)
Paragon Drive Copy 是一款頂級的硬碟文件移動工具,它可以實現文件遷移,在線應用
程式遷移,創建可以啟動的硬碟和分區等。它採用了最新的 Hot Copy 技術,因此可以對
鍵拷貝嚮導,獨立於平台的Drive Copy CD,支援 USB, 火線等連接的外置硬碟。
Launch the Paragon Migration Wizard and follow the easy
steps: select a source disk (a hard disk you want to copy),
destination disk, and resize partitions if needed. After
completion the wizard will boot your computer from the desti-
nation hard disk. Drive Copy for Mac?OS X 8.0 can be used
for a number of restoring scenarios. You can restore from a
network drive, copy data from a corrupted disk to another
hard drive, or burn data from a corrupted drive to an optical
disk.Make an exact backup of your hard disk for easy restora-
tion! With a Simple Backup Wizard you can back up an entire
hard disk or a separate partition and then place the new
image on a network share. Just choose what to backup and
select the network drive - Drive Wizard will do the rest.
You can also back up to an optical disk.
Paragon Drive Copy v8.5.1681 Professional 英文正式版(備份軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup v8.5.1238 英文正式版(備份硬碟資料軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup Professional v9.0.x64英文正式版(備份軟軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup v9.0 Pro Recovery CD 英文專業版(備份軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup Professional v8.5.1.2354 英文正式版(硬碟資料備份軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup Server v10.0.10444 英文正式版(備份軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup v9.0 Server Recovery CD 英文伺服器版(備份軟體)